Tuesday, July 21, 2009


1.SO, WHAT IS THIS? Good question. Here’s how it works:

I’m going to solve all of your problems for you, or at least do my best at it. The concept is simple, and wide open: you ask me a question, and I answer to the best of my ability. You can ask on any subject: I am offering my services freely, and without restriction. We can talk relationships, personal issues, arts/crafts, music, sex, death, faith, magic, folk medicine, whatever. I can share science and sorcery with you, health and hygiene; change your life, or change a toilet flapper. Ask me anything, seriously.

This is one part social experiment, one part advice column, one part human-wikipedia, stirred lightly and poured over ice into a glass of entertainment. I want to enlighten and entertain, and I expect I’m going to be rather humorous from time to time. I will, however, endeavor to make this every bit worth your while and mine.

I intend to answer your questions and propose solutions to your problems, with the wisdom and wit of a hip and handsome Solomon.

You will receive a personal reply from me on every question you propose, well before it appears in the actual blog. So get asking!

2.”DOCTOR” SUNDAY? Slow down, there, kids. It’s an affectation, a nom de web.

I know quite a lot on a wide variety of topics, and have a quick set of wits, a broad base of knowledge, and mainly, I enjoy the challenge. I have no formal qualifications whatsoever for what I propose. I’m not a doctor, a lawyer, priest, life coach or Jedi Master. I’m just a vaguely effeminate (and slightly geeky) insomniac, a lush with a wicked fashion sense and a certain degree of animal cunning, a potty mouth, and a winning smile.

3. HOW CAN I SUBMIT A QUESTION? CAN I BE ANONYMOUS? DO YOU EDIT THESE? Here are the rules for submissions.

If you want to ask a question, just do so. Send one to stephensunday at gmail dot com, or fire one my way on facebook or on my twitter. If you want to be anonymous, just say so, or use a funny, advice-column-esque pseudonym. If you want to be anonymous even to ME, then send it from an email address that doesn’t include your name.
Will I edit your questions? Only for spelling and grammar, unless you make a typo I find hilarious. The only other time I’ll edit your words would be if you ask me to change certain facts/details because the context might reveal your identity– but you have to ASK me to do that.
I’ll answer any questions submitted directly before I actually publish them, and if you really want my help but DO NOT want to be published, you’ll have to ask me really, really nicely. Bribery helps too.

4.WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS? Because I can. I’m good at what I do, and because it pleases me to do so.

Have fun, kids. I’m listening.

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